Copy ATC clearances with ease and accuracy every time.
A complete, hands-on course on how to copy ATC clearances
on the ground and in the air
A complete online course with over 5 hours of video and audio lessons. More than 150 exercises covering pre-departure, enroute, altitude, and holding clearances.
If you struggle to copy and apply ATC’s clearances to your IFR flight, Clearance Magic is your solution. This is so much more than passive learning. This is hands-on practice copying, interpreting, and applying clearances to real-world flight.
30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. No Questions Asked.
If you struggle to copy and apply ATC’s clearances to your IFR flight, Clearance Magic is your solution. This is so much more than passive learning. This is hands-on practice copying, interpreting, and applying clearances to real-world flight.
Here’s how it works.
We begin with a video lesson on a topic.
Next, we dive right into learning-by-doing. You’ll practice the skills just covered in the video, with immediate feedback. Exercises include presentations in several formats to accommodate pilots who use paper charts and pilots who use tablet-based navigation apps. When appropriate, data from an Airport Facility Directory is also presented.

Here is the clearance from this exercise.
As an ATC clearance plays in Clearance Magic, you will copy the clearance to paper. If applicable, you may also dial ATC’s clearance into an onscreen autopilot or an onscreen “Altitude Minder” app.

Clearance Magic will wait until you are finished copying. Then, you may cue Clearance Magic to present the correct line of copy onscreen for comparison. This process may be exercised as many times as necessary for you to nail the targeted techniques.
An Exercise Demo
Here’s an example of how it all comes together in an actual exercise from “Phase 2. Copying Pre-Departure Clearances”.
Why this works.
Clearance Magic follows the basic principle that you do your best learning by experimentation and discovery. When you dive into a new experience and try out different techniques, you absorb and adopt the techniques that work best for you. Over time, and with continued practice, those techniques become part of your routine. They are yours to apply when and where needed.
The result is a lifetime skill set you can use every time you fly.
30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. No Questions Asked.
Would you like to assess your copying ability right now?
If you aren’t sure Clearance Magic is right for you, try this anonymous assessment of your copying ability.
If you tried the assessment and made multiple errors or needed several repeats to copy the clearance correctly, Clearance Magic is your solution. You will learn how to copy clearances accurately, usually with no need for the controller to repeat anything.
Does Clearance Magic cover other clearances besides pre-departure route clearances?
Absolutely. Here’s exactly what you’ll learn and practice.
- Pre-Departure Full Route Clearances
- Route Amendments While Airborne
- Altitude Clearances and Modifications
- Holding Clearances
- Standard Instrument Departure Clearances
- Standard Terminal Arrival Clearances
What else?
- Over 5 cumulative hours of video and audio lessons, separated into short, easy to digest sessions.
- Over 150 practice exercises with no barriers to progress. Work through units of learning in any order, in any quantity, and at any pace that suits you.
- The building-block principle in action. Start slow and easy, then build up to fast and complex.
- Personal and private. Your progress is never tracked or recorded.
- If you use a tablet-based navigation app during flight, apps are addressed during most video lessons.
- Most exercises include an option to present data in a format similar to popular navigation apps.
- Suitable for pilots new to IFR, and for experienced pilots looking to upgrade their skill set.
- Ground and flight instructors will find this program easily integrates into their current lesson plan.
- Syncs with the book, Radio Mastery for IFR Pilots by Jeff Kanarish.
- Covers clearances using Victor Airways, Jet Routes, T-Routes, RNAV direct, SIDs and STARs, published and controller-improvised holding patterns.
- Practice copying and applying pilot’s discretion descents; mandatory crossing restrictions; block altitudes; “Climb via” and “Descend via” with controller modifications.
30-Day 100% Money-Back Guarantee. No Questions Asked.
Clearance Magic was designed with most pilots in mind. I know each person’s learning style is very personal. If you find the style or content of this program does not suit you, simply let me know by email within 30 days of purchase. (My email address is included on the program’s main page.) I will refund your money in full (100%), no questions asked. Jeff Kanarish, Author of Clearance Magic
Frequently Asked Questions
- I noticed access to Clearance Magic is one year. Will it really take me a year to complete the program? No. Most people can complete the program in a week or so. The year of access is there to allow busy people plenty of time to work with the program when it’s convenient.
- I’m still working on my private pilot license. Can Clearance Magic help me with radio work for my private license? Clearance Magic is all about IFR clearances. It was designed for pilots either working on their instrument rating or for IFR rated pilots who wish to improve their copying skills.
- Does this program let me work on clearances for instrument approaches? I am developing another program called Cleared for the Approach (CFA) that addresses ATC vectors to instrument finals. The program will be available soon. I’ll post updates on availability of CFA at courses.atccommunication.com.
- I use an iPad and Foreflight for flight planning and filing. Does your program address the use of Foreflight? Yes, as well as other flight planning apps. It doesn’t use specific Foreflight screens displays due to copyright restrictions. It does use a universal flight plan form that mirrors most popular apps. You will feel right at home using this feature.
- I’m about to upgrade to jet operations. Does Clearance Magic get into jet airways, SIDs, and STARs? Absolutely. It’s an optional section in the program designed for pilots who are about to upgrade to turbojet or turboprop aircraft.
- What if I’m on the fence about buying Clearance Magic? That 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked is there specifically so you can try the program and see if it’s right for you. If it isn’t, simply drop me an email (my address is on the main page of the program) and I’ll return your payment in full to your credit card ASAP.
- My flight instructor said all I need to do to copy clearances is apply the acronym CRAFT. Why is your program worth my time? There is a 17-minute video in Clearance Magic titled “Your CRAFT is Full of Holes”. Relying on CRAFT not only doesn’t help if you are struggling to copy clearances, it also leads you down the wrong path. Clearance Magic is filled with techniques designed to give you accurate, consistent results without relying on an acronym that doesn’t work.
System Requirements
- Works in any web browser on desktop or laptop computers, as well as tablets. Will work on a smartphone or mini-tablet web browser but these are not recommended due to their relatively small screen sizes.
- A continuous internet connection is required for operation. Clearance Magic is not downloadable for offline operation.
- Logins to Clearance Magic are limited to 3 different computing devices per purchaser.
- A printer connection to your computer or tablet is highly recommended. It is possible to use Clearance Magic without a printer, but these limitations will apply: The Clearance Magic copy form, an important training tool, will not be available for some exercises. Most exercises require paper-printed materials to work correctly. If not using a printer, you will need to hand-print these materials, a very time-consuming process.
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